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Rahmat Nurcahyo, Fahmi Wahyu Tri Nugroho, Ellia Kristiningrum


This paper presents a reliability, availability, and maintenance (RAM) analysis framework to evaluate the performance of Power Generation Machines (MPL) as part of office infrastructure. MPL performance is evaluated by calculating maintenance performance, including Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) to see reliability aspects, Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) to see maintainability aspects, and availability to see its operational availability. This research used data as maintenance log sheet data from three MPLs from January to September 2021. The results showed that MPL1 had the most optimal condition with an availability value of 93.48%, MPL2 was 82.19%, and MPL3 was 70.55%. Root cause analysis was carried out using Fishbone Diagram. It was able to identify the main problems in the machine's age and the procedure for submitting maintenance. Maintenance performance improvement is very much needed, especially the availability aspect for MPL2 and MPL3, as well as the valuation of existing preventive care. In addition, determining qualification standards for availability, MTBF, and machine MTTR needs to be carried out as a quantitative consideration in making MPL replacement decisions.



Maintenance, performance, reliability, maintainability, availability, Power Generation Machine

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31153/js.v25i1.982


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