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Author Guidelines

Authors who want to submit the paper must pay attention to the points below. If the paper does not meet the requirements stated, it is possible that the text will be returned.

  1. The title of the paper must be accurate, concise, informative, and easy to understand. The title describes the main content of the writing and no more than 15 words.
  2. The scope of the paper includes research on national standardization policies, development of standards, harmonization of standards, application of standards (accreditation, certification, testing, metrology, technical inspection, pre and post market supervision, socio-economic impacts, etc.), standardization,  technical regulation, and aspects related to standardization.
  3. Written in Indonesian or English.
  4. Paper is typed 1 space on A4 paper, Arial font 10, not reciprocal, with a minimum number of 5 pages and a maximum of 10 pages, not exceeding 10,000 words (not including attachments and bibliography). The word used in 1 sentence is a maximum of 17 words.
  5. The author's name and agency address are listed below the title.
  6. Abstracts are made in two languages (Indonesian and English), Abstract in Indonesian does not exceed 250 words and in English does not exceed 200 words. Abstract is placed before the introduction, abstract in English is written  italic typed (italic), with an arial 9 font, with a distance of 1 space.
  7. Keywords in two languages (Indonesian and English), placed under the abstract, consist of 3-5 words.
  8. The contents of the paper consist of at least the Introduction (background, problem and purpose), Literature Review, Research Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and Bibliography
  9. Tables are numbered sequentially, table titles are placed on top of them and the maximum consists of 10 words. The table name begins with a capital letter (except for abbreviations or certain terms whose writing must use uppercase letters) and ends with a period.
  10. Pictures are numbered consecutively, the title of the image is placed below it and consists of a maximum of 10 words. The name of the image starts with a capital letter (except for abbreviations or certain terms whose writing must use uppercase letters) and ends with a period.
  11. Citations are written according to the guidelines for writing the Standardization Journal.
  12. The bibliography uses at least 10 references, 80% refers to the literature for the last 10 years, and comes from primary reference sources.

The rules for writing a bibliography are carried out according to the guidelines for writing Jurnal Standardisasi using the Mendeley citation manager


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Editorial of Jurnal Standardisasi accepts scientific papers from research results in fields related to national standardization policies, standard development, harmonization of standards, application of standards (accreditation, certification, testing, metrology, technical inspection, pre and post market supervision, socio-economic impacts, etc.), correctional standards, technical regulations, and aspects related to standardization
  2. Scientific paper do not contain elements of plagiarism. The paper must also meet the guidelines for script writing and has never been or is not in the process of publication in other media, both printed and electronic.
  3. The Editorial Board has full authority in selecting paper. Selection of incoming scientific paper will be carried out objectively.

  4. The scientific paper contained in Jurnal Standardisasi do not automatically reflect the views of the National Standardization Agency.

  5. Scientific paper are written in Indonesian or English with Arial 10 fonts and spacing 1. The paper size used is A4 in a two-column format. The length of scientific paper is equivalent to 5-10 pages, including images, graphics, or tables.

  6. Articles that will be published in the journal must be accompanied by a statement of copyright transfer.

  7. All submitted paper must follow the text template format found at the end of this guideline.


Copyright Notice

The manuscript submitted by the author must be a research paper that does not violate existing copyright. Manuscripts entered must be never published and not sent at the same time to other publishers. The copyright of all materials including those in the form of print, electronic and other forms is held by the Standardization Journal. For this reason, the author needs to approve the transfer of copyright by completing and signing the Copyright Transfer Statement below (attached) to be submitted together with the submission of the manuscript. Copyright Transfer Statement in softcopy (scan / scan results). After the text has passed the substance editing process and is positively received, the author sends the original Copyright Statement in hardcopy to the editorial address of the Standardization Journal.


I, the undersigned below, states:

  1. That the article ("Article Title") is original and has never been published before or will be published elsewhere and not in any form of plagiarism from the work of others.
  2. The article does not have problems with other parties related to publication rights
  3. All authors have read this statement and agreed with names and sequences
  4. With this, I transfer the copyright to my article ("Article Title") to the Editorial Standardization Journal. Copyright transfers are included in the right to reproduce photography for similar articles and translations. This also includes the right to include articles in computer systems to be disseminated on the internet.
  5. Hereby, I agree to my article ("Article Title") published by BSN Volume ("xx"). The edition ("x") is licensed under the Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license. This also includes the right to include articles in computer systems to be disseminated on the internet.




Privacy Statement

The name and e-mail address submited on the journal site will only be used for the purpose stated, it will not be misused for other purposes or for other parties.