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Bayu Utomo, Nanang Kusnandar, Winda Sari Ramadhani, Qudsiyyatul Lailiyah


Heat input and efficiency test are one of the essential aspects that should be assessed in order to measure the energy performance of LPG gas stove. In order to do this, the method employed to assess these performance aspects should meet the requirement of the energy test procedure. This paper presents the evaluation of energy performance test method of SNI 7368:2011 – a standard for single gas stove LPG in order to meet energy test procedure criteria. The method of evaluation is conducted through interpersonal comparative test according to BS EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 - Conformity assessment – General requirements for proficiency testing. Two parameters of z-score and z-robust are used as criteria for the assessment of method evaluation. The result shows that both z-score and z-robust give the same result at satisfactory performance for heat input aspect, while the different performance criteria emerge in the efficiency aspect. The z-score of efficiency aspect gives satisfactory performance, whereas a questionable performance is yielded by z-robust. The further analysis of z-robust brings to the concern about inconsistency relation result between temperature rise, consumption of gas and the test duration. The lack of a method for ensuring the composition of gas during the test in the SNI is identified as a factor that may lead to such an inconsistent result.


efficiency, energy test, heat input, performance, single burner gas stove

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31153/js.v21i3.773


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