Jurnal Standardisasi


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Qanytah Qanytah


The efficient logistic system is never separation with pallet using. Pallet used as supporting component in
products distribution. Agricultural products trading involve many countries, where every country using different
pallet in vary size. As for that, pallet standardization become very important due to the needs of pallet size
similarity for every country that involve in the trading system to give a chance in pallet exchange. Pallet can
exchange from the producer country to distributors in other country. But the fact is that pallet standardization in
each country was a difficult work to do. Logistic standardization and pallet standardization is different for every
country. Some factors that influence the pallet size that choosing by the agricultural product producers are the
key consumer request, the general pallet size that used by industry, transportation facility condition, warehouse
condition, and other supporting facility. In Indonesia most producers used pallet with the size of 1.200 x 1.000
mm, 1.500 x 1.500 mm, and 1.150 x 985 mm. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) sanctions
six pallet dimensions they are 1.067 x 1.067 mm, 1.100 x 1.100 mm, 1.140 x 1.140 mm, 1.200 x 800 mm, 1.200 x
1.000 mm, and 48” x 40” (1.219 x 1.016 mm), with different loading efficiency. According to loading efficiency
analysis, two of the big five pallet with most efficient in loading capacity are pallet that using in USA (1.219 x
1.016 mm) and pallet 1.200 x 1.000 mm. Pallet dimension of 1.200 x 1.000 mm is one of the pallet many
producer use in Indonesia. Pallet loading efficiency that using in Korea and Japan (1.100 x 1.100 mm) and
Europe (1.200 x 800 mm) was the lowest five. Loading efficiency for pallet dimension of 1.200 x 1.000 mm for 40
feet container is the most efficient compare with other pallet.


pallet, standardization, eficient, payload

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31153/js.v10i3.632


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